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The great Gear Duran conducting magical illustration demonstrations on the Pen Display 24 for visitors at the booth.
Every January, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) ushers in a new year with their annual technology event in Las Vegas, NV. With more than 4,000 exhibitors and over 135,000 attendees representing about 150 countries, CES gives technology companies a wonderful platform to showcase new and future products for the consumer electronics industry.
Xencelabs and its sister brands under the Hanvon/ugee umbrella, XPPen and ugee, had a very productive show this year demonstrating their digital drawing and writing line of pen tablets and pen displays for attendees. By splitting the booth into three distinct areas, the teams were able to highlight the goals and differentiation inherent in each brand. Xencelabs is focused on the high-end of the market, targeting professional digital content creators in media and entertainment, industrial and graphic design, engineering, and photography. Additionally, Xencelabs products are ideally suited for higher education, where expertise, quality and value-add play a key role in the decision-making process. XPPen and ugee cater to the enthusiast and hobbyist markets respectively and play a very important role introducing digital pen input to beginning and novice users.
The Xencelabs team at CES held a lot of meetings throughout the week with some quality organizations from the animation, and visual effects space, as well as several major higher-ed art and design schools. And, speaking of schools, a group of engineering students from MIT stopped by to see if Xencelabs would be willing to collaborate with them on an electric car design, so watch for updates as we move forward with this opportunity. In addition, software companies, like Dassault, visited to discuss enhancing pen input features into their 2D and 3D applications. No CES is complete without a special guest artist and we were honored to have the great Gear Duran conducting magical illustration demonstrations on the Pen Display 24 for visitors at the booth. Thank you, Gear!
Welcome to 2024 and we cannot wait to help you with your creative endeavors.